Low-pressure Flow Tester (FCO610)

Advanced production line device for the testing of a range of products designed to flow air or gas at low pressures

  • Key Details
  • Specialised variant of our proven Production Line Flow Meter (FCO792)
  • Automatic ultra-low-pressure regulator control
  • Direct correlation to harmonised testing standards
  • Product specific parameters for test optimisation
  • Test low and high flows in a single instrument

Advanced Differential Leak Testing

Building on the success of the proven FCS510 and advanced FCO792; the FCS610 is the latest generation of Furness Controls appliance case and combustion chamber soundness test instrument. Designed to comply with harmonised standards for the testing of Gas/Oil based Boiler systems, the FCS610 benefits form the advanced features of the FCO792 with the addition of ultra-low-pressure regulation required for these stringent tests.

    FCO780 & FCO790 Leak Tester

    Intuitive & fast touchscreen display

    • Clear numerical values, detailed graphing and easy-touch button
    • Quickly choose between 300 configurable products, each with up to 16 customisable steps
    • Data Logger function allows you to browse and export all of the data from your last 1,000,000 product tests
    • Change settings and configure tests quickly and easily with the intuitive icon-based menu system

    These flow testers offer a perfect platform to reduce testing station costs and complexity by negating the requirement for a PLC altogether. Through the use of electrical I/O and pneumatic outputs, the instruments themselves can control the entire test station. Integration of barcode scanning, label printing and jig lockout can ensure true no-fault-forward production.


    • User-programmable electrical I/O connectors
    • User-programmable pneumatic Outputs
    • Modern industrial communication interfaces such as PROFINET and EtherNet/IP
    • Other communication modes such as RS232, RS485, USB and standard TCP/IP over Ethernet
    Back of the FCO790 Leak Tester


    Case Integrity testing is carried out by introducing air into the flue outlet at a specific and regulated pressure and the resultant flow of air must be less than a specified limit dependant on the internal volume of the device. Missing or damaged case seals will result in excessive air flow and a fail result from the test. Correctly fitted and complete seals will restrict the air flow to below the specified limit and give a pass result.

    The FCS610 has 300 product and 300 test memory capacities which allows variant specific tests to be programmed for each model in your range. The built-in barcode reader support and ability to store result data provides complete traceability against individually serialised products. The barcode reader input can be programmed by the user to demand product selection, serial number and even User ID before commencing a test. Combustion soundness testing is typically conducted using the same principles as the case integrity but at a higher pressure, not a problem for the FCS610 with its automatic pressure regulator and test specific rate control.
